is currently seeking financing. Please watch the Fundraising Trailer and browse the site for more information.


Career criminals Peter Buck, Eddie Coyne and Lucien Thaler kidnap the son of a prominent British politician from a Swiss boarding school.

Hiding out in the Alps, the men wait for the ransom money. But when tragedy strikes, they end up trapped in a dark wood – held hostage by unseen forces.

Hunted and desperate, the kidnappers realize that the worst evil does not lurk in the shadows of the night but in the darkness of their souls.

And it is about to be unleashed ...


Project Details

MURKWOOD is an independent feature film that evokes the moody visuals of David Lynch's Twin Peaks and combines them with the visceral scares of an "eco-horror" movie like Long Weekend (1978).


In October 2011, we went out to shoot a fundraising trailer that combines actual footage from the movie with footage shot exclusively for the trailer. The idea was to give viewers and potential investors a first glimpse of what MURKWOOD will look and feel like.


The trailer highlights some of the more important filming locations, e.g. the abandoned cabin, the sawmill, the woods, etc. We found most locations in the Zurich and Lucerne areas; the scenes in the mountains and forests were shot in the Rosenlaui valley and in Hasliberg (canton of Berne). (> Images)


MURKWOOD will be shot in English to emphasize the story's universal appeal. It also allows us to market the movie internationally and avoid the cost and inconvenience of subtitling and/or dubbing it (required for most of the more important film festivals and markets around the world).


While MURKWOOD is an English-language movie, the story is set in Switzerland (where it will be shot). The parts of "Pete Buck" and "Eddie Coyne" will be cast with British actors. All the other roles will go to Swiss actors.


MURKWOOD is currently seeking financing. Principal photography is set to begin in October 2013. The shoot is budgeted for four weeks (approx. 20 days).